7 Ways to Prevent Your Car From Being Stolen

Imagine leaving your local shopping centre, only to find your parked car vanished into thin air. Your first thought would be that maybe you forgot where you parked and so you look around, but as time goes on, you finally come to terms with the fact that your car has been stolen. That’s a reality that a lot of motorists have had to face which is why you need to know how you can possibly avoid that. 

Today, we look at the different ways you can save yourself this trouble and how Cartack Philippines makes it all easier for you.

In this article, you will:

  • Learn the 7 ways you can prevent your car from being stolen
  • Read more on vehicle theft crime stats
  • Find out more about the different vehicle theft tactics
  • Discover where stolen vehicles end up
  • See the advantage of having Cartrack by your side

It’s no secret that vehicle theft in South Africa is an ongoing problem and that there is a high demand for stolen vehicles in the illegal market. The South African Police Service reported a rise in hijacking incidents across all nine provinces, with 5973 cases in the third quarter of 2023/2024. This calls for all motorists to find ways to avoid this sort of situation. 

Here are 7 ways you can prevent your car from being stolen

This is how you can save yourself from the inconvenience:

  1. Lock your car
    This might sound obvious, but many people forget to lock their cars when they get out. Although the new vehicle models lock automatically even if you don’t do so immediately, it’s always better to check it yourself and be 100% sure. Thieves are always on the lookout for easy access and an unlocked car for them is like hitting the jackpot. 
    Also, don’t just click the lock button and walk away, as there have been incidents where the thief sneaks in to hold one door, while an unsuspecting driver gets out of the car, assuming it’s all good. Make sure all doors are locked, not just the one by the driver's seat.
  1. Use anti-theft devices
    Though not 100% foolproof, these are your first line of defence and could save you hours of going back and forth with the police and an increase in insurance rates after claiming for a stolen car. There are multiple anti-theft devices that you can use to protect your car. Here are a few examples that will save you from the hassle:

    – Steering wheel lockYes, they still work and are making a comeback. Steering wheel locks are low-tech solutions that have been around for many years yet some people have the perception that they are out of date and not as effective. However, recent studies have shown an increase in the purchasing of these devices since the surge of keyless car entries. If criminals manage to get into your vehicle, there should be a physical obstruction that will prevent them from getting away with your car.

     Immobiliser: This is a security device installed into the vehicle to prevent the engine from starting unless the correct key is used.

    – Faraday pouch: As mentioned above, keyless car theft is a thing nowadays. This is done through something called a relay attack. How it works is that they use two devices, one picks up the signal from your key fob which could even be 100 meters away, while the other device is used to trick your car into thinking the key is nearby. This can happen anywhere from mall parking lots to your own home. 
    Two thieves need to be present for this to be properly executed, with one standing closer to your actual keys and the other close to the car. With that said, a Faraday pouch is your best bet at preventing that from happening as it blocks your key signal from being picked up. 

  1. Get a GPS tracking unit
    You can count on a GPS tracking unit if the anti-theft devices fail. This GPS vehicle tracking technology is more advanced and ensures that you know where your vehicle is at all times by giving you live location visuals. A tracking unit such as Cartrack’s will not only help you notice quicker that your car is gone but also increase the chances of it being found.
  2. Park in well-lit areas
    Criminals avoid doing things in the light so by parking in a well-lit area, you’re lowering the chances of falling victim. When parking in a busy spot, choose spots that are closer to the security camera if there are any. When going to the mall, use the parking that is secure and paid for instead of just parking it outside.
  3. Don’t leave valuables in the car
    Take your phone, wallet and laptop with you at all times if possible then keep everything else that might be of value out of sight as these make criminals pay attention to your vehicle and they might take the chance. To avoid identity theft as well, make sure you also hide any paperwork that contains any of your personal details.
  4. Strengthen your driveway security
    Whether you park your car inside a garage or just outside in your yard, make sure the area has enough security features to scare away the thieves or make it easier to identify them. Install cameras in your driveway.
  5. Try not to go to high-risk areas 
    The most common provinces for carjackings are Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal and the Western Cape. This makes sense as these are big cities that have a lot of people living in them. Now we are not saying don’t stay there but rather know the hijacking hotspots in your province so you can avoid driving there at night more especially. 

Know the different vehicle theft tactics  

As always, criminals are always finding ways to get your car, whether parked or on the move, here are a few hijacking tactics that you should be on the lookout for:

  • Police impersonation
    This is when the thieves dress up as policemen in order to make you, a law-abiding citizen, stop so they can rob you of your valuables and take your vehicles. There have even been incidents where victims were kidnapped, taken to the ATM and forced to withdraw money from their accounts. If you get stopped by an unmarked vehicle with blue lights or you suspect that you might be stopped by bogus police officers, do not stop, drive to the nearest police station or any busy area.
  • Placing objects on the road
    It could be spikes, rocks or pieces of clothing. Always be on the lookout for any objects on the road that will distract you and force you to stop. Once your vehicle comes to a standstill the thieves will be nearby, ready to take your vehicle, your phone or your money. Avoid driving after dark as this makes it easier to miss the signs.
  • Driveway hijacking
    So you’ve spent the entire day being vigilant on the road while driving and now that you’re home you finally relax? Don’t! Always be aware of your surroundings even when you’ve reached your driveway. Look out for cars nearby, make sure no one is following, and alternate your route home because what they’ll do is corner you while driving into the yard. Another thing you can do is to switch on your indicator two or three houses early as this might make them lose interest and pass you.
  • Tollgate/drive-thru
    This is when the perpetrators use their own vehicles to box you in while in the queue at a tollgate or drive-thru at a fast food restaurant. One car will be at the front and the other at the back. Now how can you avoid this? There’s not much you can do besides paying attention to who is following you.
  • The tap-tap method
    Once again, another way to lure you out of the car. This is when the thieves drive behind you and then slightly bump you, knowing very well that you’ll stop to assess the damage and take their details. The driver will talk to you for a, maybe apologise then boom, into your car they go.

Where the stolen vehicles end up 

According to Sabinet African Journals, approximately 60% of stolen vehicles remain in South Africa - especially lower-value vehicles, then approximately 30% of stolen vehicles are taken across our borders - mainly luxury vehicles. Chop shops take the remaining 10% portion. Here’s a deeper look into all three categories:

Stripped and sold

It takes about 30 minutes to completely strip a vehicle and chop shops have an estimated value of about R442 million and there is a high demand for affordable, readily available vehicle parts on the black market. The parts are harder to trace and easier to conceal making them more profitable than reselling the whole vehicle. In an article by IOL, Miway spokesperson Siyakha Masiye told the news reporter that the most frequently stolen accessories include car wheels. wheel caps, car batteries, sound equipment, vehicle mirrors and headlights

Cloned and sold 

Vehicle cloning is when the stolen vehicle is presented as legitimate. At the beginning of this year, Top Auto reported that between 3000 and 5000 cases of cloning are reported each year. How this happens is that criminals copy the VIN of a car that is parked in a public location, take a picture of the license disc then take a standard vehicle registration document and edit it in a software program so the details in the document match their target vehicle. From there, they go to a local number plate manufacturer to print the cloned plate.

These cloned vehicles are then sold to innocent people who believe everything is legit. So when buying a used car, do a background check to avoid falling victim and losing the vehicle and your money once the police find out.  Cloned vehicles are also used as a getaway for committing other serious crimes such as hijackings, kidnappings, and cash-in transits. 

Out of the country? Where to?

If it’s not stripped or sold in the country then it goes to the black market abroad. Vehicles move from South Africa into the borders of neighbouring countries, mainly Mozambique, Botswana, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. Concrete fences have now been built in an effort to combat the crime but syndicates have started building makeshift bridges across solid fences because they are on a mission and the show must go on. Cars are seen crossing to the other side in broad daylight and it is said they can go from one country to the other and can get as far as Angola to the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

Bonus - The 8th and most effective way to prevent your car from being stolen: Cartrack Philippines

Driving around has become a dangerous sport, always having to watch over your shoulder and all, but luckily Cartrack is here for you. Here’s how:

  • Stolen vehicle recovery 
    In the unfortunate event that your precious ride gets stolen, you can rest assured that our skilled air and ground team will be there to get it back to you. Cartrack has a 90% recovery rate, which proves that we will have your back when you need it the most.
  • Cross-border vehicle recovery
    If your vehicle gets stolen and taken out of the country, we will still have your back. Our GPS vehicle technology supports international roaming, allowing us to track your vehicle internationally. 
  • Protector
    Our protector service gives a quick response to emergency services such as medical and roadside assistance. Just flick the button on your Cartrack mobile app, and a service agent will call you or your loved ones to understand and organise the kind of help you need. 
  • CarWatch
    All you have to do is go on your Cartrack on your mobile app after parking your car and you’ll get an alert if the car moves without your knowledge. This means you can go about your day worry-free knowing that you will find your car exactly where you left it.
  • Jamming Detection
    For the thieves who think they can outsmart our technology, Cartrack offers signal-jamming detection as a value-added product feature so we can still track the vehicle’s location even when the signal is blocked.
  • Insurance
    Some insurance companies do not cover vehicle replacement if you do not have a tracking device installed, so make sure you get that sorted out first then get insurance. Cartrack makes it quicker and easier for you by helping you find insurance best suited for your lifestyle. You can contact us and we’ll help you find what works for you. 
  • Cartrack’s Road Vision camera solution
    Get a front-facing camera with GPS tracking technology installed into your vehicle so you can record every trip you make. This will help you document any accidents that you might encounter, plus it will scare away the thieves. 
    You’ll have footage of them trying to steal your car so they can be easily identified. The footage can be easily accessed at any time on your Cartrack mobile app. But wait, there's more—GPS technology allows you to see your vehicle’s live location at all times and you get reports of harsh driving behaviours such as speeding.
  • Limited Recovery Warranty* 
    In the highly unlikely event that your vehicle is not found, you can claim up to R150 000 cash back payment for the replacement of your vehicle. *Ts&Cs apply.

Keep your eyes on the road while we keep ours on your ride

Although it’s important to always be aware of your surroundings, we know it’s easy to get distracted and let your guard down, and that’s why we are here. 

Contact us today and have one less thing to worry about.

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